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Luke Chapter 24 (Part 1)

The road to Emmaus

Read Luke 24:13-27

Verse 16 - Their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him

This reminds me of what happened in Luke 9:45 and 18:34

Verse 18-Are you the only one? (see Luke 23:48-all the crowds)

  • Everyone had to know what happened - the darkness, the veil

  • Matthew tells us there was an earthquake, rocks split, and tombs opened up - it was quite a spectacular event that could not go without notice.

  • If everyone knew what happened, then everyone had a decision to make - to believe or refuse to believe. Luke 23:48 tells us that all the crowds who were gathered at the cross came to believe (they beat their breasts in mourning and repentance). Matthew 27:54 tells us that the centurion and those who were with him keeping guard came to believe. But we also know that throughout Jesus' ministry, many of the Pharisees refused to believe, even though they witnessed His miracles, and saw how He fulfilled all the prophecies. After all this, many still refused. And sadly, there are many who still refuse today.

Verses 23-24 - These 2 disciples knew the reports about the empty tomb, and what the angels said, but they did not believe (v.17 tells us they looked sad). Peter didn't believe the women either, but he at least ran to the tomb to check it out. These 2 disciples didn't even bother to stay in Jerusalem - if there was a chance to see Jesus, that would have been the logical place to look!

  • Verse 25 -Jesus calls them foolish and slow of heart to believe

  • All that the prophets have spoken

  • Verse 26 - Was it not necessary? - Everything that happened was according to God's plan

  • Verse 27 - In all the Scriptures

  • Read Deut. 18:15, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 53, Dan. 7:13-14

  • Facebook - Zions Red Church

This website is in memory of Richard Snyder.

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