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Luke Chapter 6 (Part 2)

Jesus Teaches His Disciples

Read Luke 6:39-45

In chapters 5 and 6, we see interactions between Jesus and the Pharisees. The large crowds of people that were there saw these interactions, too. In verses 20-38, Jesus is teaching His disciples to act differently—He was pointing them to a higher standard of living by showing the contrast between this new way and the way of the Pharisees.

Verse 39—Jesus tells a parable: "A blind man cannot guide a blind man, can he? Will they not both fall into a pit?"—The Pharisees were the blind leading the blind.

Verse 40—The Pharisees passed on their ways to their own disciples.

Read Matthew 23:15—also notice in Matthew 23:16-17, Jesus refers to them as blind.

Verses 41-42—The Pharisees were judgmental hypocrites.

Verse 43-45—The mouth speaks from that which fills the heart.

The Pharisees questioned Jesus with the motive to trap Him.

Read Luke 6:11—their hearts were filled with rage. They spoke to one another about how to harm Jesus—contrast that with "love your enemies" (Luke 6:35).

The Pharisees were obedient to the law (which gave them the outward, on the surface appearance of being right with God)—but their haughty attitude, their questions to Jesus, and their angry reaction to Jesus' good words demonstrated what was truly in their hearts. Despite their efforts to appear righteous, their fruit gave them away.

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This website is in memory of Richard Snyder.

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