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Fed by the Word, Energized by the Spirit

July 14, 2024 - Rev. Dr. Jan Remer-Osborn

Last week we talked about retraining our mind to live in the presence of God.  To abide in Jesus. To make room for God with prayer.  This involves learning to be at two places at once – eating breakfast, commuting to work, cooking dinner –  doing these things all inside God.  Ask yourself, “Why is this important, the placing of ourselves, all the time in the presence of Jesus.?”So how do we make this happen? Paul tells us.

16 All scripture is inspired by God and is[b] useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 so that the person of God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. (2 Tim.16-17)

It starts with the Word.  The Word is inspiration for our prayers.  It is food for our spirit.  It instructs our faith.  Unfortunately, it is also used a political tool, not just now, but for centuries Let us look at our gospel text today from Matthew 4.  Jesus drew from various scriptures in Deuteronomy.  How many recognize this verse? “One does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. (Deut. 8:3)

Let us look at our gospel text today from Matthew 4.  Jesus, yes, Jesus uses the word of God, words from the Torah - to fight temptation, to disarm the devil, to help him uphold his mission.  Scripture gave him strength.  It showed his trust in God. How many have had the word of God give you strength?

Our reading of scripture can deepen our relationship with God, Jesus, especially when calling upon the Holy Spirit to assist us.  What are the Three key if not the most important words Jesus ever said.? It’s Come, follow me. (Matt.4:19)  If we do so, we can be transformed. It’s going to take practice. We are going to learn how to live with more intention, on purpose.

People often interpret this famous comment of Jesus, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  It’s not likely about who’s in or out and who’s going to hell or heaven.  It’s more likely that he is saying that the merging, the fusion of his truth, that is his teaching, and his way, how he lived his life is the path to the Godly life, that he proclaims and is offering to us. In John 10:10 Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  As Psalm 23 promises, then our “cup overflows.”

PRAYER: Dear Lord, indeed, your thoughts are beyond me. Your ways exceed my understanding. Yet you have graciously made yourself known to me. Thank you for revealing yourself in Jesus Christ. Thank you for continuing to reveal yourself through the Spirit, who teaches me your truth. Thank you for the Spirit-inspired Scriptures that help me to know you. Thank you as well for the community of your people, through which your Spirit speaks to me.

Gracious God, may I have the mind of Christ. May I think like Christ, feel like Christ, discern like Christ. May your Spirit continue to teach me and guide me, so that I might be more like Christ in all of my ways.
Help me to have the mind of Christ today as I work, as I spend time with family and friends, as I live among your people and as I live for you in this world. Amen.

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