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Shutting Out God

October 13, 2024 - Rev. Dr. Jan Remer-Osborn

Mark 9:38-50

For years you may have been yearning for new life to come into your home.  When the new being enters your family you adore it but soon find that it is not an unmixed blessing.  You may be trying to get something done for work or school, or just getting the house in order.  And there they are.  Stopping you.

In the opening of our text today, we hear the disciples whining yet again.  Hey, they complain, “We are having trouble casting out demons, and here are others who are not your disciples doing this.”     We are special, is the not so underlying inference.  We are the insiders - they are the outsiders.  Why can’t we cast demons out and they can?

Jesus, on the other hand, is open-minded.  “Whoever is not against us is for us” (9:40). Jesus states in clear terms, “Truly I tell you.” He declares that the reward that is given to anyone who wipes out forces of the devil in his name, whether or not they are part of Jesus’ entourage.  Watch out, Jesus is warning them.    “Do not try to trip these fellow believers up, do not put obstacles that cause them to stumble, when they are acting in my name.”

It’s not surprising, this rivalry among the early followers of Jesus.  Because we still have it today, do we not? But Jesus has no time for such anxiety, jealousy, or elitism. His response shows a more universalistic view.  After all, he ultimately went beyond his culture, as we saw with the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter.

Jesus does not leave any doubt about the importance of getting rid of obstacles to live a faithful life.  Jesus words were no nonsense tough. He talks about exorcisms and hell.   I wonder.  Are my sermons too nice?  Too safe? Jesus states if we don’t get rid of what blocks our relationship with God, hell is coming.  Do we believe that? Our feet can take us places we dare not go. The hand can reach, can grope where it shouldn’t. The eye can gaze with malicious intent.

Trouble is, we don’t even recognize the lousy habits we have fallen into. We have gotten lazy.  We build walls, blocking God, often with doubt that can grow into disbelief.   Where were you Jesus when I needed you, in trouble with marriage, kids, job or health.  My belief in you didn’t spare me. Sometimes, I don’t know where you are.   Yet, you did survive them.  And I bet there was someone that helped you. Yes, Jesus was there.  Believe it.  Don’t let anything get in the way.  Amen.

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